HTML attributes are name-value pairs, separated by =, in the start tag of an element after the element name, such as id=blog-link and href="" below:

<a id="blog-link" href="">8 Hobbies JavaScript Blog</a>

How do we add, update, and remove an HTML attribute in JavaScript (JS)?

Add/Update an Attribute

There are two generic ways to add or update an HTML attribute: Using setAttribute and setting the value of a JavaScript property.

The Function Way: Use setAttribute

Using the HTML snippet at the beginning of the post, we can call setAttribute to update the href attribute:

const element = document.getElementById("blog-link");
element.setAttribute("href", ""); // Update the link destination

To add an HTML attribute, call setAttribute with the attribute name that we would like to add:

element.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); // Add "target"="_blank" to make the link always open in a new tab
element.setAttribute("hidden", ""); // Add "hidden"="" to hide the element

The Property Way: Set the Value of a JS Property

We can also add or update the value of an HTML attribute by setting the value of its corresponding property in the JavaScript object element:

const element = document.getElementById("blog-link");
element.href = ""; // Update the link destination = "_blank"; // Add "target"="_blank" to make the link always open in a new tab
element.hidden = true; // Add "hidden"="" to hide the element

Differences Between setAttribute and Setting a JS Property

While the two ways look quite similar, they bear a few important differences.

Awareness of the Underlying Data Type

Setting the value of a JavaScript property operates on the underlying data type directly, while setAttribute always operates on string values.

For example, "width" in an img element is a numerical attribute, as specified in the HTML standard. On the one hand, to add or update width by setting the JS property, we assign the width property just like a number variable:

element.width = 300; // element is an img element

On the other hand, using setAttribute is similar to writing raw HTML—the value is always a string:

element.setAttribute("width", "300"); // element is an img element

Naming of HTML Attributes

Usually, when an HTML attribute name contains only one word, the name used in setAttribute is the same as the JavaScript property name. One noticeable exception is the "class" attribute, which corresponds to the JavaScript property className, likely to avoid a clash with the JavaScript keyword class.

However, if there are two or more words in an HTML attribute name, things can be messy. For example, the HTML attribute name "accesskey" corresponds to the JavaScript property accessKey with a slight variation, while "autocapitalization" corresponds to autocapitalization with no change.

Well then, given an HTML attribute name, how do we know its corresponding JavaScript property name? Below are 3 ways that I found helpful:

Custom HTML Attributes

Custom attributes are allowed in HTML, provided that their names start with "data-". setAttribute operates on these attributes in the same way as the ones defined in the HTML standard. However, according to the HTML standard, all custom attributes must be stored as name-value pairs in the value of the "dataset" property. In addition, all hyphenated names occurring after "data-" are converted to camel-style names.

For example, we would like to add/update a custom attribute named "data-test-id". Using setAttribute, we specify the name as "data-test-id":

element.setAttribute("data-test-id", "my-id");

If we would like to update "data-test-id" by setting the corresponding JavaScript property, we need to update the "testId" property in the "dataset" property:

element.dataset.testId = "my-id";

Invalid Attribute Names

If an HTML attribute name is not defined in the HTML standard and does not start with "data-", this attribute is invalid. setAttribute does not validate the attribute name and adds/updates the attribute regardless, while setting a JavaScript property with an invalid name does not change any attribute:

element.setAttribute("invalid", "some-value"); // adds an invalid attribute named "invalid"
element.invalid = "some-other-value"; // doesn't change any attribute


The table below summarizes their differences:

Use setAttributeSet the JS Property
Data Type AwarenessAlways stringAware
Attribute NamingHandle as isRequires looking up
Custom Attribute NameHandle as isIn dataset property
Invalid Attribute NameHandle as isCan’t affect

Add an Attribute with No Value

It is often misunderstood that it is possible to add an attribute with no value. An attribute, by definition, is a pair of a name and value. Hence, adding an attribute with no value is not permissible under the HTML standard. Please check out Set an Attribute Without Value in JavaScript for detail.

Remove an Attribute

To remove an attribute, use removeAttribute:

const element = document.getElementById("blog-link");

Unlike adding or updating an attribute, there is no universally reliable way to remove an attribute by manipulating a JavaScript property. One exception is Boolean attributes, which you can set their corresponding properties to false to remove them:

element.hidden = false; // Remove the hidden attribute, which is a Boolean attribute

This is because the presence of a Boolean attribute on an element represents the true value, and the absence of the attribute represents the false value. Therefore, setting the JavaScript property of a Boolean HTML attribute to false removes the HTML attribute. (Recall that setting the value of a JavaScript property operates on the underlying data type directly.)

Bonus: toggleAttribute

For a Boolean HTML attribute, there is also toggleAttribute that toggles its value:



We discussed how to add, update, or remove an HTML attribute in JavaScript.

There are two generic ways to add or update an HTML attribute:

Then we discussed the differences between these two ways in handling:

  • Data type,
  • naming,
  • custom attributes, and
  • invalid attribute names.

Finally, we discussed the proper ways to remove an HTML attribute.